Exercises 3

Publié le par FERROUL Jacques

Let us make hexagons now, always with the same script conventions ; we have :

      aire = area     


Out of the tray, H(5) would have area 150 : with a hole with area 6, as H(1), we obtain HT(5/1) which is challenge 003 (solution put on 12/11/2007).

We have also :


H(3r) would have area 162 : with a hole with area 18, as H(r), we obtain HT(3r/r) which is challenge 004 (solution put on 20/11/2007).

H(6) would have area 216 : with a hole with area 72, as H(2r), we obtain HT(6/2r) which is challenge 005.

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